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North Stonington Agricultural Fair



Mail Entry Forms:

Hope Mitchell

7 Princess Lane

North Stonington CT 06359


Janice Steinmetz – 860-490-8547



  1. All entry must be mailed or received by July 6th, 2024.

  2. Pre-registration IS REQUIRED.

  3. All entries must be on official entry form, which can be reproduced.

  4. All exhibits will be accepted on Wed July 10 only between 2 & 8pm and judging will take place Thursday July 11th before the fair opens.

  5. All exhibits must be property of the exhibitor.

  6. All exhibits must be removed from the grounds between 6 & 8pm on Sunday July 14. Any items left become property of the fairgrounds and will be deposed of and prize money will be donated back to the fair.

  7. All exhibits will be judged, ribbons and cash prizes will be awarded, Judges decision is final.

  8. All entries must have been canned or completed after July 25, 2023.

  9. Jr. Division is for 16 years or younger, please list age on entry form.

              STATE CONTESTS:

Adult & Jr. Banking contest, Quilts contest, photo contents, two crusted apple pie contests. All recipes, rules and information can be found at: or


Click Here for Full Home Arts and Crafts Program including Entry Form


Member of the:
Association of Connecticut Fairs & International Assoc. of Fairs and Expos

©  North Stonington Agricultural Fair, Inc.  All rights reserved.

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